欠PTPTN錢的Hamba Hutang




Marchand d'esclaves à Timor (Malais) 東印度的奴隸買賣(馬來半島)

插圖的法語標題是Marchand d'esclaves à Timor (Malais),換成英語叫Slave trade in the East (the Malays), 原載於法國旅行家Gabriel Lafond de Lurcy在1844年出版的見Gabriel Lafond de Lurcy (1844) Voyages autour du monde et naufrages Célèbres, Vol 5: Mers du sud de la Chine et Archipels de L'Inde, Adminstration de Librarie, Paris遊記裡。

View of slave traders and female slaves (1994-00299)


View of slave traders and female slaves (c1854, Coloured engraving). This is a European impression of slave traders with three female slaves. Slavery was a contentious issue between the British and Malay rulers. Although Sir Stamford Raffles had prohibited slavery, Malay rulers insisted that it was their customary right to own slaves and that their understanding of slavery was different from that of the British.

在從前從前,若你欠錢不還,債主就有權利把你抓起來,並把你變成他的債奴,馬來語叫hamba hutang。債主之後便勒令你為他工作辦事或提供服務,一直到把債清完為止。(馬來人還有有另一種叫世奴的奴隸,馬來語叫hamba abdi。世奴通常是從山林裡抓來的。)

Quentin Tarantino在2012拍了一套叫《Django Unchained》的電影,片子敘述了白人在美國搞黑奴文化時所經歷的一段過渡期

1874年,英國人入主霹靂後,第一任駐扎官J. W. W. Birch先生認為馬來奴隸制必須得廢除,但是住在霹靂河上下游的馬來酋長認為英國人沒有權利干涉他們搞了幾百年的奴隸文化(其實英國人自己也在很久以前的美國搞了百多年的黑奴文化),他們就這一點一直跟英國人僵持不下。Birch先生後來更把命也丟了。

霹靂的奴隸制度,是在1883年12月31號在第三任駐扎官Hugh Low先生和Raja Idris王子的努力下才得以完全廢除。據說當時解放了近3000名債奴。1884年5月19號星期一,英國國會開會的時候,來自Bath選區的國會議員Edmund Wodehouse問:


殖民地政務次長Evelyn Ashley答:

All slave debtors became free in Perak on January 1st of this year, so that slavery of any description is now illegal there, as it 670 already was in Selangor and Sungei Ujong.


This emancipation has been accomplished without difficulty and at a small expense to the State, owing to the praiseworthy co-operation of the chief people. Most of the masters refused to accept payment and liberated their slaves voluntarily, following the notable example of His Highness Raja Idris, Chief Justice of Perak.

而Raja Idris王子,也在五年後的1889年4月5日正式從他岳父Sultan Yusuf手中接過領導棒子,成為了霹靂州的第28位蘇丹。Sultan Idris也是霹靂州大概28.46年之久,但是第一名是2014年剛剛去世的馬來亞大學校長Sultan Azlan Shah,在位30.32年其中一個在位最久的蘇丹。上圖是1886年6月Raja Idris和Hugh Low在新加坡殖民地總督府(現在的新加坡總統府)照的見P. C. Wicks (1979) Images of Malaya in the stories of Sir Hugh Clifford, Journal of Malaysian Branch of Royal Asiatic Society 52(1), p. 54 (Plate 1).相片


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