
從吉打Lembah Bujang布央谷開車回家,經過怡保的時候剛好是晚餐時間。

在麥當勞用過晚餐後,發現開車的我好像也有點睏了,於是決定在怡保睡一覺。我們把車開到Bandar Meru Raya,然後跟Casuarina要了一間房間。




  1. The timestamp of the photograph was 9:12:09 morning (28 May 2017).

  2. The explanation given by National Academy for Educational Research of Taiwan 台灣國家教育研究院 is:太陽已上升到三根竹竿相接的高度。表示時候不早了。This explanation suggests that ‘三' (three) is to be interpreted vertically and absolutely, instead of umbrally and relative to the physical pole. Given the fact in the phrase 三竿 (three poles) was recorded by an observatory officer, it is unlikely that the former intepretation is correct.





接著我們用Reingold與Dershowitz的方法把農曆日期換算成格列高曆。其結果是:公元487年12月7日(既該年的第341天,\(d = 341\))。

  1. 通常我讀文言文的時候都會在頭腦裡面把文字翻譯成英語。因為只有這樣,才能逼我自己將每個字都解讀出來。這段話譯成英語大概是:Sunday. December 7, 487. The shadow cast by the sun is three times the height of the pole. The colour of the sky is between red and yellow. Solar haloes and parhelia are clearly visible.

  2. Emperor Wu of Southern Qi 齊武帝蕭宣遠 (b. 440, d. 493).

  3. If we denote 干 with \(\Gamma\) and 支 with \(\zeta\), then we have the following in modulo 60: $$\sigma = \Gamma + 5(\Gamma - \zeta)$$ Thus 丁 + 5(丁 − 亥) ≡ 4 + 5(4 − 12) ≡ -36 ≡ 24 (mod 60). Other examples are:
    11 = 1、癸1012 = 60。

根據日影我們可以計算太陽的仰角 \(\theta\),也就是三分之一的反正切6,大概是\(18.4^\circ\): $$\theta = \tfrac{180}{\pi}\tan^{-1}\left(\tfrac{1}{3}\right) = 18.4^\circ$$ 有了\(18.4^\circ\),只要再配上觀測地點的緯度\(\varphi\)和觀測日期\(d\),就能知道時間。

我們假設觀測地點是在南齊國都建康。建康差不多是現在的南京,所以緯度大約是\(32^\circ\):把 $$d = 341, \varphi = 32^\circ, \theta = 18.4^\circ$$ 代7入以下的方程組8

$$ \begin{align} \sin \delta \sin \varphi + \cos \delta \cos \varphi \cos \omega &= \sin \theta\\ \cos \tfrac{d + \frac{1}{24}t + 10}{1 + \frac{1}{72}} &= \tfrac{-\delta}{23.45^\circ} \\ \tfrac{180^\circ - \omega}{15^\circ} &= t \end{align} $$

我們便能得到:$$\omega = 48.2^\circ, \delta = -22.8^\circ, t = 8.79$$其中,\(\omega\)和\(\delta\)分別為時角和赤緯度。所以《南齊書》裡面的三竿指的是 \(t = 8.79\),相等於早上9八點四十七分。

一般來說,「日上三竿」的實際時間是由日期和你身處的緯度的函數決定。在我住的地方(\(\varphi = 3^\circ\)),「三竿」的平均時間大概是七點十七分,所以該成語不適合用做遲起身的同義。

  1. 「切」讀作qiè而不是qiē,「切」是拉丁語tangere的意譯,第一次出現在明代數學家徐光啓 (b. 1562, d. 1633) 和瑞士人鄧玉函 Johann Schreck (b. 1576, d. 1630) 所編寫的三角學入門書《大測》裡面.

  2. 當然你也可以直接從勾股定理算出\(\theta\)的正弦值:$$\sin \theta = \tfrac{1}{\sqrt{10}}$$
  3. Expressions for computing the solar altitude and solar declination are taken from P. I. Cooper (1969) The absorption of radiation in solar stills. Solar Energy 12(3), pp. 333 - 346. See Equations (7) and (8) in p. 336.$$\delta = 23.45 \sin \left(\tfrac{284 + n}{365} \cdot 2\pi \right)$$where \(n\) is the day of the year. In the third equation, \(t\) is the apparent solar time.

  4. 這個時間,和當時紀錄的橘黃色天空吻合。因為如果時間太晚,不大可能有橘黃色的天空。順便說一下,當時大概是要入冬了。天文局官員當時也看到了日暈。日暈是太陽光經過大氣層裡的冰晶反射和折射的光學現象。



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