Men and women see things differently

Men and women see things differently. You do not have to be a married person to get my point, but if you are a married person, you can appreciate this fact more readily.

To explain this, I have to start from the beginning.

In the beginning, as we were told by the Abrahamists, God created the light. The light, as James Maxwell would like us to believe, is an electromagnetic wave.

To be able to see the world in colors, you need to use a special type of protein called opsin to convert the wave signal to electrochemical signal and feed it to the brain.
Behind the beautiful eye lays the mythical polychromatic opsin
And in the beginning, God created a number of opsins, some of them are good at processing long wave (yellow and red), some of them are good at handling medium wave (green), and some of the them are only short wave sensitive (blue and ultraviolet).

After the creation exercise, the instruction for building the blue opsin block was carefully saved in Chromosome No. 7 (the program size is about 3 kilobase) and the that of the red/green opsin (the program size is about 14 kilobase) was stored in the X chromosome. And copies of these programs were given to the dinosaurs (辰) and our ancestors (子).

But our poor ancestors were not able to compete with the dinosaurs during daytime (晨) and were therefore forced to live nocturnally (子夜). Since full color vision was not of much use in the dark and our ancestor eventually decided to delete the medium-wave-sensitive opsin instruction in their DNA and in doing so, they lost the ability to be able to differentiate red and green and therefore became red/green color blind.

Then, approximately 66 million-year-ago, the K-T extinction event completely wiped out the dinosaurs but fortunately our ancestors were able to survive the impact winter. Many years after the megasize dinosaurs were gone, the small-sized descendants of the dinosaurs and our ancestors flourished and went on to conquer both the diurnal and the nocturnal world (for example, see the species enumerated in the Chinese Zodiac).
Color vision of the animals enumerated in the Chinese Zodiac
Although we have returned to live in the daylight, we didn't regain the full color vision because most of us do not really need the full color vision to do our work.
Simulated dichromatic color vision of a dog
And this is also the reason why your mammalian pets (hamster, dog, cat, rabbit, etc) are all red/green color blind. But there is one exception: the Hanuman tribe.

The Hanuman group in the New World decided that the ability to differentiate red from green/yellow is a very important trait for them to survive and must be restored. Now one way to achieve this is simply to take the original code and tweak it little to make it more sensitive to the medium wavelength. The result is that they have a green X chromosome or a red X chromosome. Since only women can have two copies of X chromosomes, we must have the following possibilities.
  • Trichromatic woman: Green gene in X + Red gene in X
  • Dichromatic woman: Green gene in X + Green gene in X
  • Dichromatic woman: Red gene in X + Red gene in X
  • Dichromatic man: Green gene in X + No opsin-coding gene in Y
  • Dichromatic man: Red gene in X + No opsin-coding gene in Y
Thus only one group of women in the New World is able to experience the world in full colors.

The group in the Old World, however, approached the problem differently. They solved the problem by simply taking the original program on the X chromosome and pasting it several locus away from the original code. The newly pasted program was then trained to be more sensitive to the medium wavelength. The result is that they have the green code and the red code on the same X chromosome.
  • Trichromatic woman: Green+Red gene in X + Green+Red gene in X
  • Trichromatic woman: Green+Red gene in X + Green+Red gene in X
  • Trichromatic man: Green+Red gene in X + No opsin-coding gene in Y
And this means that both men and women in the Old World are able to enjoy the world in full colors. However, the probability of finding a red/green colourblind men in the Old World is significantly (16 times) higher than women since the men do not have a second copy of the green/red opsin-coding gene. Statistically about 8 percent of the male population will be deprived of the happiness of seeing the world in its full spectrum when this group of men inherit a corrupt copy of the gene from their parents.


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