Concerning fuck

In the English-speaking world, the word fuck is usually abhorred by many parents because it is a taboo-word to them.

The word is almost as old as the written language. The first recorded use of this monosyallable verb in the English literature can be found in the following 516-year-old lines, composed by the Scottish poet William Dunbar in 1503:
His bony berd was kemd and croppit
Bot all with kaill it wes bedroppit
And he wes townich, fulich and gukkit
He clappit fast, he kist and chukkit
As with the glaikis he wer ourgane
Git be his feirris he wald haif fukkit
Ye brek my hairt, my bony ane!

H. Bellyse Baildon (1907) The poems of William Dunbar, with
introduction, notes and glossary, Cambridge University Press, p. 5.
Fuck is perhaps one of the most flexible word in the English language, it can be used (a) as a verb or (b) as an imprecation (as the coarsest version of damn) or (c) as an adverb or (d) as an adjective, because of its expletive nature. For example, if I ignore my coworker's email request for too long, she will come to me and scream:
Fuck!(b) Can you fucking(c) read my
email and send me the fucking(d) data?
My coworker is not alone. Tony Robbins, for instance, like to trigger his client verbally because he believes in the science of taboo language and that expletive words have the power to pierce the conscious mind. Robbins's philosophy is that he will do whatever the fuck it takes to break the pattern, so that his clients can reclaim who they really are.
Doraemon fuck posters and art design by babyattack
The following lines, for instance, were told to a certain Mr. Matyas in 2014 when he attended Robbin's signature $7,995 six-day seminar (Date with Destiny) at the Boca Raton Resort and Club, Florida.
. . .I love that you have such high standards. But those aren't high standards. That's called perfection. And most people overestimate what they can do in a year, and they underestimate what they can do in two or three decades. And you haven't been around long enough to have those extra two or three decades, so don't fuck(a, b) it up. There's time. And if you give yourself just a little bit of time, and if you'll be a little more loving to yourself, I think you're gonna find you got a lot to give. I can fucking(c) feel it. And I know fucking(d) people. And you know I do. . .
Besides its unusual triggering power in motivational speech, fuck is also a strange transitive verb. Because it is normally used with the male subjects, that is, its subject-verb-object (SVO) structure is:
a (male subject) fucks(a) a (female object).
This peculiar property of the verb appears to suggests that the role of a female in the mating process is almost entirely passive. For example, an acquaintance of mine once told me that she was in passive and non-receptive and standoffish mode on her nuptial night, and her God-sent husband was allowed to access her carnally only after many many weeks.

This unidirectional usage is also compatible with the usual meaning of fuck when it is associated with the act of a male having carnal knowledge of a female. However, because copulation is an interactive activity which demands both sexes to coordinate physically and sequentially, I think it is okay to define the word as the act of a female having penile knowledge of a male when she assumes the active position.

But remember not to use this position when you travel to Florida because the missionary position is technically the only legal position in there, and actually the husband can't even kiss the breasts of his wife in the Sunshine State because it is considered unnatural and lascivious.


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