Kerana adat Melayu tiada pernah derhaka

Pengecut, penakut, takda telur, pondan . . .



. . . jadi pengecut, penakut, takda telur, pondan . . .

罵郭先生人的人叫Nazri bin Abdul Aziz bin Che Yeop bin Mat Saman,中文通常音译成納茲里。


納氏出自書香門第,納爺爺Che Yeop bin Mat Saman是校長,而納爸爸Abdul Aziz bin Yeop是英國紫獅會 (紫獅會是英國四大黑袍社團之一,另外三個分別是飛馬會天羊會獅鷲會) 的會員。納爸爸是在二戰後由馬來亞政府保送出國讀書的,根據紫獅會的會員名冊,納爸爸是在1948年11月19日星期五入會的。後來納氏也和納爸爸一樣加入了紫獅會。

别傻了,你老爸拿的不是Queen's Scholarship

納氏的信點很低,也就是說他很容易相信別人。例如:納氏在2009年對記者Shanon Shah說他父親是拿Queen's Scholarship去英國讀書的。我查了伍連德醫生在1949年寫的小冊子,但怎樣都找不到納爸爸的名字。

所以,納氏相信一段未經證實的部落格文字並根據它的內容來罵郭先生。我是可以理解的。再說,政客的邏輯和讀書人不同。英國著名評論員Paul Mason在《The Global Minotaur》的序裡面這樣寫道:
Most politicians cannot be theorists. First, because they are rarely thinkers; second, because the frenetic lifestyle they impose on themselves leaves no time for big ideas. But most of all because to be a theorist you have admit the possibility being wrong – the provisionality of knowledge – and you know you cannot spin your way out of a theoretical problem.
我房間裡面的《F*** you very much》
大家都說納氏的罵詞裡面沒有半點「禮義廉恥」。你是對的,納氏的罵詞的確是讓有涵養的人聽不下去,不過,那是因為文化圈的不同。關於這點,Danny Wallace在他的新書《F*** you very much: Understanding the culture of rudeness – and what we can do about it》裡面有很詳盡的論述。例如,在書的第74頁,Wallace是這樣寫道的:
Rudeness is one of the purest form of power play; an effective way of controlling a situation, asserting your own superiority, and showing other people how very special you are.

我會答:有,確實是有,馬來人的文化裡面確實是有「禮義廉恥」的。但是,馬來文化裡面的top line不是「禮義廉恥」。那麼,馬來人的top line是什麼?

馬來文化的top line是:忠於君和主,而且,是不管是什麼時候、不管青紅皂白、不管什麼情況都應該忠於君和主。新加坡國立大學歷史系的Timothy Barnard在2016年JMBRAS裡文章裡是這樣解釋的:
. . . to oppose the ruler reached the level of an unthinkable sin, and was encapsulated in the term derhaka, or treason. As quoted in the Sulalat al-Salatin, this was an abhorrent act, as ‘it is the custom of Malays that they shall never be disloyal to their Raja’ (‘kerana adat Melayu tiada pernah derhaka’) . . .
儘管理論上馬來文化沒有derhaka,事實上derhaka曾經在馬來半島發生過,不過那是在三百多年前,1699年8月的時候。1699年是一個極為重要的時間點,美國夏威夷大學著名的歷史學家Barbara Watson AndayaLeonard Andaya夫婦在他們的大作《A History of Malaysia》裡面為馬來西亞史斷代的時候,用的就是1400年、1699年、1819年、1874年、1919年、1942年、1969年、1999年、2015年這些年份。

那1699年8月發生了什麼事情?在1699年8月的一個星期五,19歲的暴君Mahmud Shah二世,在大街上公然遭人行刺,這使到馬六甲皇朝男系從此絕後(當然馬六甲皇朝的女系並沒有絕後,現在馬六甲皇朝最著名的女系成員有我最尊敬的現任柔佛皇后兼柔佛皇太子的媽媽Raja Zarith Sofiah和她的堂哥Sultan Nazri Shah,兩個都是了不起的讀書人,前者是牛津大學中文系畢業,後者是哈佛大學博士畢業。)

The nobles' decision to end the life of Sultan Mahmud was made with deliberation and yet with apprehension. Despite the sultan's cruel and unjust deeds, court traditions firmly upheld the view that only God Almighty could punish rulers, especially those descended from the Palembang-Melaka dynastic line. But as Sultan Mahmud, borne on a servant's shoulders, passed through the market on the way to the mosque, one of the nobles stabbed him. No sooner had he fallen to the ground then he was killed by the other conspirators. This regicide undermined a very basic assumption about the relationship between Malay rulers and their subjects, but also severed the bonds of allegiance that had bound the Orang Last to all previous rulers of the Melaka dynasty. As the following chapter will demonstrate, the consequences of these events were to redirect the subsequent history of the entire Malay world.


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