
Showing posts from 2020

Peerage in Ming Dynasty and its use in Melaka

When Zhu Yuanzhang 朱元璋 founded the Ming Dynasty in 1368, his eldest son Zhu Biao 朱標 (10 October 1355 – 17 May 1392) was made the crown prince 太子 and heir-apparent to the Ming throne. 皇帝 Prince of the Zeroth Rank The Throne of Ming Dynasty Governor of the Ming Kingdom 太子 Dotted line denotes eldest son 親王 Prince of the First Rank (10,000 shi) Non-firstborn son of the Emperor Governor of a given Province or Princedom 世子 郡王 Prince of the Second Rank (2,000 shi) Non-firstborn son of the Prince of First Rank Governor of a given Subprovince or Subprincedom His other twenty+ sons were titled Prince of the First Rank 親王 and were each given a province (or princedom) to govern, for examples, Zhu Shuang 朱樉 (3 December 1356 – 9 April 1395) Prince of Qin 秦王 (enfoeffed in Xian 西安) Zhu Gang 朱棡 (18 December 1358 – 30 March 1398) Prince of Jin 晉王 (enfoeffed in Jinyang 晉陽) Zhu Di 朱棣 (2 M...

Bilabial plosive consonants in Indian, Chinese and Malay languages

There are four labial plosive sounds which we can make: /p, pʰ/ is unvoiced when vocal cord is not vibrated pair and /b, bʱ/ is the voiced when vocal cord is vibrated pair. Our northern Indian friends use all four of them in their speech: प (pa) /pa/ , फ (pha) /pʰa/ , ब (ba) /ba/ , भ (bha) /bʱa/ while the northern Chinese is only able to articulate the unvoiced versions. Here's a summary of the two labial plosive consonant in Beijing 北京 dialect: 巴 (bā) /pá/ , 趴 (pā) /pʰá/ , ◯ /b/ , ◯ /bʱ/ These two unvoiced labial consonants are so important that they are fossilized in the bp mf ㄅㄆㄇㄈ acronym (m and f represent the nasal and fricative consonants in the labial series). These standard Mandarin Mandarin or 官話 is official language used in Chinese court, the first recorded use of the word Mandarin can be found in Robert Parke's translation (1589) of Mendoza's History of China: The Mandelines of the sea, which be certai...

Pgr makan padi: Unfencing the bird theory

The opening paragraph of Harry Frankfurt's little book is as follows: One of the most salient features of our culture is that there is so much bullshit. Everyone knows this. Each of us contributes his share. But we tend to take the situation for granted. . . Frankfurt's view is that the production of bullshit is inevitable in our modern digital landscape since it is stimulated whenever a person's opportunities to speak about some topic exceed his knowledge of the facts that are relevant to that topic (p. 61). The phrase pagar makan padi (ڤاڬر ماكن ڤادي) in an old Hikayat Hang Tuah manuscript (dated between 1828 to 1835), British Library Or. 16215. See the last phrase on the seventh row of folio f. 61r. The proverb is used by Patih Kerma Wijaya to refer to Hang Tuah when he was talking to the Sultan of Melaka, in which Hang Tuah (the pagar ) was accused of having multiple affairs with the concubines (the padi ) in the palace. One such bullshit is man...

“Pagar makan padi" in early publications and manuscripts

The Malay phrase pāgar mākan pādi or ڤاڬر ماكن ڤادي can be found in R. J. Wilkinson's Malay-English Dictionary . On p. 449, Wilkinson wrote: ڤاڬر pagar. A fence; a palissade; a row of stakes or palings. Pagar makan padi : the fence eats up the padi ; the precautions for diminishing loss eat up the profit. . . Even though the example given (in a business context) is rather odd (since the phrase pāgar mākan pādi is normally used when trust is betrayed See Abdullah Hassan's Kamus Istimewa Peribahasa Melayu (2nd ed.) for example. Entry 2930: Padi makan padi (= tanaman). Orang yang kita percayai berkhianat kepada kita, in , p. 160. Cross-references are made to Entries 2939, 3735, 3996, and 4217, which are (a) Pancing makan umpan (p. 160); (b) Sokong membawa rebah (p. 201); (c) Telunjuk mencocok (= merosok, menikam) mata (p. 214); (d) Tongkat membawa rebah (p. 225). ), The English title of the book by Ozay Mehmet is Development in Malaysia: Poverty, wealth...


女神皮膚 顏色 轉變不只是單純的化學問題。 女神的名字叫銅,圖片取自Paul Seibert的 Instagram 銅是在巴黎遇見了一個叫氧的男人的。 這是銅在1884年在巴黎照的相片,當時的她已經和氧交往了許久 銅上中學的時候學過化學,她很早就知道,氧會讓她變老, $$\color{#EC874E}{\rm Copper\; (Cu)} + \tfrac{1}{2}{\rm O_2} \to \color{#8E6551}{\rm Copper (II) oxide\; (CuO)} $$ 讓她 鮮橘色 的皮膚變暗。但是她還是執意跟氧在一起。 1884年,工人們把装了四年才装好的神像拆散装箱,準備運往大西洋的另一端。那个時候,銅已經由 橙色 變成了 棕色 。 1886年,銅和氧在美國開啟了他們生命的新篇章,一起呼吸自由島的空氣。在紐約,新的氧气加速了他們之間的化學反應,把他們從棕色變成了暗棕色。 Chart shows the changing appearance of copper throughout the patina process. While it makes perfect sense it never occurred to me that the Statue of Liberty had a different colour once. Source: — Simon Kuestenmacher (@simongerman600) June 13, 2020 銅綠色 ,銅和氧愛情長跑的最終顏色 銅和氧一起生活了很久,不時會和周圍的酸气碰撞。 $$\color{#8E6551}{\rm Copper (II) oxide\; (CuO)} + {\rm CO_2} \to \color{#36B09F}{\rm Copper\,carbonate\; (CuCO_3)}$$ 他們偶然發現:把酸气涂在自己身上竟然能把老舊的黑棕色修煉成美麗的 銅綠色 。 ...

Malayan Union and Singapore

This White Paper The full title of this document is “Malayan Union and Singapore: Statement of policy on future constitution, presented by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Parliament by Command of His Majesty, January 1946 (Cmd. 6724)". Attlee's cabinet formally sanctioned the proposals on 10 January 1946. The white paper was published on 22 January 1946 to coincide with the First Reading of the Straits Settlements (Repeal) Bill. This paper was replaced by a new White Paper published on 4 March 1946, which contains revised treatment on the conditions for Malayan Union citizenship (Cmd 6749). was written by George Henry Hall Hall was the Secretary of State for the Colonies between 3 August 1945 and 4 October 1946. (1881 – 1965), and was publicized after Harold MacMichael successfully obtained the signatories of all nine Malay Kings in the Malay Peninsula. The document is organized into thirteen sections and one very brief appendix : Previous positions Need f...


拉曼大學中華研究院鄭文泉老師著有許多馬來詞源學的文章。幾年前佛光文化把這些寫在「普門」雜誌的文章匯集成一本叫「馬來梵語」的書。 書裡面有很多有問題的見解,像在第162和163頁,有關「馬來西亞」的這一篇。文章的第一句話是這樣寫道的: 「馬來西亞」由Malay-和-sia組成,前者是Melayu(馬來由)的簡寫, 後者則表示「屬於」 的意思。說白一點,「馬來西亞」這個國 家是馬來人的。 这是鄭文泉老師自己凭空想象出来的,因為據現有的資料,「馬來西亞」的「西亞」並不是梵語的屬格後綴「स्य」。 「馬來西亞」是法國人Jules D. d’Urville於1831/32年設計的 名詞 ,d’Urville的寫法是「Malaisie」,原本是指蘇門答臘、爪哇、婆羅、菲律賓這些說馬來話的島嶼(Malay insula),這裡需要注意的是:馬泰半島(Thai-Malay peninsula)並沒有在d’Urville的定義範圍。 法國人d'Urville在1832年一月在巴黎地理学会发表的四个「西亚」南岛名词: 馬來西亚 (蓝色)、 美拉尼西亚 (黄色)、 密克罗尼西亚 (青色)、 玻里尼西亞 (粉红色)。馬泰半島并没有在d’Urville的定義範圍。 同時d’Urville也設計了「Mélanésie」和「Micronésie」,這些地理名詞的構詞法是一致的: Malay 馬來 + νῆσος (nêsos = island 島嶼) μέλας (mélas = dark 玄) + νῆσος (nêsos = island 島嶼) μικρός (mikrós = small 微) + νῆσος (nêsos = island 島嶼) 美拉尼西亚的「mélas」是指的是 莱德克线 以下的 莎湖陆架 原住民皮膚的顏色,而密克罗尼西亚的「mikrós」指的是島群裡個別島成員的面積。 後來英國人把d’Urville的「Malaisie」英化成「Malaysia」。這個詞第一次是收錄在1883年第9版的不列颠百科全书里面。在第15册(Loo-Memphis)的第 323 页: . . . MALAYS (Orang Meláyu, “Malay Men”), the dominant peopl...

Melayu Raya: Magellanique, Malayunesia, Malaysia, Indunesian, Indonesia?

The name Malaysia was first coined in her French form (i.e. Malaisie) by an European navigator named J. D. d'Urville to denote a group of insular nations in present-day Southeast Asia (i.e. Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Sulawesi, Philippines) in a paper read to the Société de Géographie in Paris in January 1832. (For an English translation Jules-Sébastien-César Dumont D'Urville, Isabel Ollivier, Antoine de Biran and Geoffrey Clark (2003) On the Islands of the Great Oceans, Journal Pacific History 38(2), pp. 163 - 174. The original paper is in French: J.-S.-C. Dumont d'Urville (1832) Sur les îles du Grand Océan, Bulletin Société de Géographie 17, pp. 1 - 21. , see the special issue of the Journal of Pacific History, 38(2) in September 2003) The region marked in blue is d'Urville's Malaysia. Notice that the present day Malay peninsula is not part of d'Urville's Malaysia since it is not an island. The regions marked in yellow is Melanesia, the region marked i...

Purrrification of data: Some examples

A First Example To generate a collection of 100 normally distributed random number, we use: rnorm(100) We can repeat this process indefinitely for \(n\) times, and when \(n = 9\), we have the following collections: collection_1 which we can conveniently regroup into a larger collection of random numbers: larger_collection Alternatively, we can use the rerun shorthand to define that the aforementioned collection: list_of_numbers Each of the vector $$\mathbf{x}^{(d)} = \begin{pmatrix}x_1^{(d)} & x_2^{(d)} & \ldots & x_{100}^{(d)}\end{pmatrix}, \quad d = 1, 2, \ldots, 9$$ is a collection of 100 normally distributed random numbers: $$ \ell = \{\mathbf{x}^{(1)}, \mathbf{x}^{(2)}, \ldots, \mathbf{x}^{(9)}\} = \left\{ \begin{pmatrix}x_1^{(1)}\\x_2^{(1)}\\\vdots\\x_{100}^{(1)}\end{pmatrix}, \begin{pmatrix}x_1^{(2)}\\x_2^{(2)}\\\vdots\\x_{100}^{(2)}\end{pmatrix}, \ldots, \begin{pmatrix}x_1^{(9)}\\x_2^{(9)}\\\vdots\\x_{100}^{(9)}\end{pmatrix}\...