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Yongle's warning to Ayutthaya

Sunday, 20 November 1407. The envoy dispatched by Chao Nakhon In a Ming Shilu 明實錄 entry dated 12 October 1377 (洪武十年九月十日), a certain Ayutthaya prince named Ying 膺 was sent to court of Ming. He was likely to be same person warned by Yongle 30 years later. The Julian date mentioned by Wade in the NUS website for this 1377 entry is printed as 洪武十年九月一日 or 3 October 1377. Wade's date is incorrect since the hexadecimal marker for 12 October 1377 is 乙酉. See C. Baker and P. Phongpaichit (2022) Melaka and Ayutthaya in the long 15th century feudal relations, tribute, and magical realism , Journal of the Siam Society, 110(2), p. 109, footnote 14. Intharacha 昭・祿羣・膺哆囉諦剌, who came to offer tribute of tamed elephants 馴象, parrots 鸚鵡, peacocks 孔雀 and other stuffs, was received by the Ming court. Emperor Yongle 永樂 or Zhu Di 朱棣 seized the opportunity and asked the tribute team to relay some messages back to their king. ( 永樂五年冬十月 )辛丑・暹羅國王昭・祿羣・膺哆囉諦剌,遣使奈婆即直事剃等奉表貢馴象、