Nature v. Nurture

The arabic word for nature is ṭ-b-yʿh (طبيعة). It is from this word that we get our tabiat in Malay.

The arabic word for nurture, on the other hand, is a rather similarly sounding t-r-b-y-h (تربية). And the additional r-script demands extra muscle work on your tongue for a more satisfying pronunciation.

تربية ≠ طبيعة

In modern usage, the word t-r-b-y-h simply means pedagogy or education.

تربية ≠ تربيار

For the uninitiated, t-r-b-y-h is not to be confused with the Malay word terbiar or t-r-b-ya-r (تربيار), which means “left stranded” or “deserted”, i.e. the opposite of care or cultivate or mould. Personally I prefer didik or asuh over the word t-r-b-y-h as they are not imported words and they avoid the terbiar homophonic kerfuffle.


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