
Showing posts from November, 2022

Nature v. Nurture

The arabic word for nature is ṭ-b-yʿh (طبيعة). It is from this word that we get our tabiat in Malay. The arabic word for nurture , on the other hand, is a rather similarly sounding t- r -b-y-h (تربية). And the additional r-script demands extra muscle work on your tongue for a more satisfying pronunciation. تربية ≠ طبيعة In modern usage, the word t- r -b-y-h simply means pedagogy or education. — PAS Pusat (@PASPusat) November 25, 2022 تربية ≠ تربيار For the uninitiated, t-r-b-y-h is not to be confused with the Malay word terbiar or t-r-b-ya-r (تربيار), which means “left stranded” or “deserted”, i.e. the opposite of care or cultivate or mould. Personally I prefer didik or asuh over the word t-r-b-y-h as they are not imported words and they avoid the terbiar homophonic kerfuffle.

Two baby names in 1947

Chapter 1. Mahi-ad-Din The two-syallable word mahi can mean a couple of different things. It is a name of a type of neurophysiological disorder in Sinic civilization, but it is a name normally associated with greatness in Indic civilization, and it is a sobriquet of Prophet Muhammad in Mediterranean civilization. Thus Mahi ≠ Mahī ≠ Māḥī (2-mora) Mahi (𝅘𝅥𝅘𝅥=) is a two-mora Japanese word 麻 痺 . It is used by them to transcribe the sound of the Chinese word 麻痹 (mábì = Beijing The word is given different phoentic values by Fujian (麻痹 = bâ-pì), Guangdong (麻痹 = mā-bei) and Korean (痲痹 = 마비 = ma-bi) speakers. standard pronunciation ). (3-mora) Mahī (𝅘𝅥𝅗𝅥=), is a word of Indic origin ( मही ), which usually means Mother Earth, and it can be used to mark terrestial features such as large bodies water or soil. The name of usually used to name Hindu baby girl. Sometimes, Indians use Mahī to imply largeness, vastness or state of superiority, ...

Amanah akan digalas

“Amanah akan digalas” was the first tweet by the 10th prime minister of Malaysia, issued in less than one hour after he was officially given the responsibility by the King. Amanah, tawaduk and nurani are Arabic loanwords in Malay. Amanah is a near-faithful transcription of ʾa-mā-n-h (𝅘𝅥𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥 = أمانة), which is the opposite of khianat . Tawaduk is the transliteration of t-wā-ḍʿ (𝅘𝅥𝅗𝅥𝅘𝅥 = تواضع), which is the Arabic word for humility . Nurani transcribes the sound of nū-rān (𝅗𝅥𝅗𝅥 = نوران), which is arabic for light , but it can be used to describe lux-reinforced physical, emotional or mental states, for example, bright, clear, pure, sincere, beautiful. Here, Anwar is clearly aware that prime ministership is a singular task (tugas) entrusted (amanah) to him and the gravity associated with it, since the words galas and pikul are employed. And this, he and his team (pasukan) will weather with deep humility (tawaduk) and full responsibility (tanggu...

讓滿軍入關的馬來吳三桂Rajuna Tapa

Parameswara從Singapura跑路到Muar的故事有兩個版本。 第一個版本是 Sang Aji 版。這個版本是葡萄牙旅行家Tomé Pires在1512年至1515年間,在馬六甲咖啡店聽回來的。Tomé Pire據這些傳說寫了一本叫Suma Oriental的書,後來不見了很久。在1937年,書的其中一個拷貝才被葡萄牙工程師Armando Cortesão在法國國會圖書館找到。 這里必須註意的是,Sang Aji這位主人公的時代離馬六甲末年大概有100年,所以我們很難計算故事的真實含量。盡管如此,Pires的版本是有文字記錄的最早版本。 Suma Oriental現藏於法國國會圖書館 第二個版本是 Sang Rajuna Tapa 版。這個版本是1788年至1812年間,是馬來文人Ibrahim Kandu和Abdullah Abdul Kadir在新加坡幫萊佛士抄書的時候用的版本。 第二個版本離葡版很遠,大概300年,很大可能是作者根據葡版改動過的。在新版本里,Sang Rajuna Tapa在修給滿者伯夷Majapahit政府的國書這樣寫道: . . . segeralah datang, hamba ada belot dalam negeri . . . Sang Rajuna Tapa的女儿Dang Anom被国王 处以穿刺(pr-j-ŋ-ki-kn = perjangkikan)之刑 Sang Rajuna Tapa之所以生氣,是因為他嚴重不滿女兒被國王處以的刑法。刑法的爪夷文原文,《馬來紀年》給出的是【 جڠكي 】一词: جڠكي 換成羅馬字後是:j-ŋ-k-i。Ibrahim Kandu在给John Leyden说书的时候,将其解释成为穿刺之刑。穿刺在中古时期极为普通,16世纪的英国就喜欢把人的头颅穿刺示众。 1962年Hussein Haniff在邵氏片場完成的電影《Dang Anom》,在電影裏面,穿刺之刑的馬來用詞是sulakan (源于印度卡納達语 = śūlakkērisu = ಶೂಲಕ್ಕೇರಿಸು),明顯是受了 Shellabear 在1896年...