
Showing posts from May, 2020

Arithmetics concerning the recent urinatorium of post-MCO Malaysia

The recent example given in the BNM statement requires the use of a little bit of higher arithmetics, that is, in my opinion, beyond what the fictitious Makcik Kiah can readily verify and reproduce for other scenarios. Second numerical example issued by BNM on 1 May 2020. Apparently she was underwhelmed by new additional, albeit razor thin, 19-ringgit-add-on spread across her debt time series post-October, which is presented in stark contrast to the earlier 0-ringgit-add-on scenario exemplified In the first numerical example given by BNM, they used \(p_0 = 9\times 10^4\), \(n = 108\) terms, balance \(n_{\rm bal} = 72\) terms, \(p_0=1133\) on 27 March 2020. First numerical example issued by BNM on 27 March 2020. Fortunately she can probably consult his degree-holder son, a certain mister Liah, and ask him to verify BNM's calculations. The hire-purchase value in the simple-interest universe is quite easy to handle. The hire-purchase value for the \(n\)...