第一任萊佛士歷史教授:C. N. Parkinson

Cyril Northcote Parkinson (b. 1909, d. 1993) 是馬來亞大學的第一任萊佛士歷史教授。

他是第二任萊佛士歷史教授K. G. Tregonning (b. 1923, d. 2015) 的博士論文導師,而Tregonning後來是邱繼金 Khoo Kay Kim (b. 1937, d. 2019) 的學士論文導師。所以算起來,Parkinson是邱老師的師公。



. . . to teach and write history until the age of retirement . . . Fate decreed otherwise . . . for the politics of Singapore and Malaya made the post untenable.

其實馬來亞的政局可能只是一個小理由,更大的理由是因為Parkinson在1957年出版了一本叫Parkinson’s Law的暢銷書。該書在全球的大賣,是Parkinson意想不到的。大賣的必然結果是鈔票和榮譽。有了鈔票和榮譽,誰還會選擇窩在一個小島的歷史系過完餘生。

Parkinson’s Law當年是一個很轟動的理論,他在書裡面是這樣寫的:

Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion. . . Granted that work (and especially paperwork) is thus elastic in its demands on time, it is manifest that there need be little or no relationship between the work to be done and the size of the staff to which it may be assigned . . .

之後,Parkinson再接再厲,發表了Parkinson’s Second Law, Parkinson’s Law of Triviality, Mrs . Parkinson’s Law等等的幽默短文。管理學大師Peter Drucker在為Parkinson的其中一本書寫序的時候,是這樣寫道的:

. . . I can only hope that many business leaders will read this book, will study it, will learn from it - and will then practise what Parkinson so ably preach . . .


  1. K. G. Tregonning (1958) The founding and development of Penang, 1786-1826, PhD Thesis, Department of History, University of Malaya.

  2. K. K. Khoo (1960) The municipal government of Singapore, 1887 - 1940, B. A. Thesis, Department of History, University of Malaya.

    Khoo eventually completed his postgraduate degrees under Wang Gungwu in 1967 and Muhammad Kamlin in 1973. See K. K. Khoo (1967) The western Malay states, 1861 - 1873: The political effects of the growth of economic activities, M. A. Thesis, Department of History, University of Malaya. K. K. Khoo (1973) The beginnings of political extremism in Malaya, 1915 - 1935, PhD Thesis, Department of History, University of Malaya.

    Muhammad Kamlin is a relatively unknown political scientist trained in LSE. M. Kamlin (1968) Domestic instability as a factor in Pakistan's foreign policy, 1952 - 58, PhD Thesis, London School of Economics and Political Science.


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