The Bahasa Malaysia July Paper of 1976

In 1960, Bahasa Melayu was gradually dosed into our national schools as the language of instruction. But it wasn't until 1970 that the Bahasa Melayu paper in MCE (Malaysia Certificate of Education) was renamed to Bahasa Malaysia and was made a compulsory subject. It means that you need to pass your Bahasa Malaysia in order to pass your MCE.

And in order to get into Form Six, which was then the only way for a middle class student to get a university education, a pass was not good enough, at least a weak credit is needed to secure a seat in HSC (Higher School Certificate). The introduction of the Bahasa Malaysia July Paper was essential because a lot of good students failed to obtain a pass or a credit when they sat for their Bahasa Malaysia paper for the first time.

The MCE 1972 result, as announced by the then Education Minister, Inche Hussain Onn, on Wednesday, 4 April 1973
Group Passed Failed Bahasa General failure Total
Malays 6,751 146 2,445 9,342
Non-Malays 9,314 14,116 4,354 27,784
All 16,065 14,262 6,799 37,126

In 1972, there are 37,126 MCE candidates, of which 14,262 of them failed their MCE because they failed their Bahasa Malaysia paper and only about 16,065 of them obtained a pass in their MCE.

A Chung Ling High School candidate, for example, preposterously failed his Bahasa Malaysia paper, although he won the first prize in a BM essay competition in the previous year. My Form Four additional math tuition teacher, Mr. Yap Poh Lai, and my further math teacher in Form Six, Mr. Lim Ah Kok, luckily, were amongst the 9,314 students.
This is the famous Bahasa Malaysia July Paper, introduced by the Ministry of Education in 1976.
Paper 1 of the 1976 July Paper is an essay paper. The instruction on page 2 of the paper was given in two languages. The English version was: Write a composition on one of the topics given below, not less than 350 words in length. Marks will be given for use of language, content and arrangement.
  1. Tumbuh-tumbuhan yang membawa faedah
  2. Persekitaran sebuah kampung yang diidam-idamkan.
  3. Sumbangan seseorang yang berbakat seni kepada masyarakatnya.
  4. Ceritakan suatu pertengkaran yang telah anda vengar di antara seorang pembeli dengan seorang penjual.
  5. “Kejadian-kejadian jenayah tidak dapat dicegah dengan penggubalan undang-undang sahaja.” Bincangkan.
  6. Keluarga anda meninggalkan anda seorang diri di rumah. Ceritakan bagaimana anda menjaga rumah seharian, dari pagi hingga ke alam menyediakan makanan untuk diri sendiri serta juga mengisikan masa bagi menghilangkan kesunyian.
  7. Ditelan mati emak, diluah mati bapak.


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