On Dr. Ong Hean Tatt: Part II

Because of Ong's academic training, I am very curious about his amazing career transformation from a plant culture specialist to a self-proclaimed chinese culture specialist.

To understand this conversion, it is maybe useful to briefly look at Ong's publication.

Phase I: Ong's Scientific Publications (1972 -- 1990)

Ong Hean Tatt (1972) Physiology of the responses of plant tissues to changes in water economy, PhD thesis, University of Malaya.

Ong Hean Tatt (1976) Studies into tissue culture of oil palm. Proc. Malaysian International Agricultural Oil Palm Conference, Kuala Lumpur (14-17 June 1976)

Ong Hean Tatt (1976) Development of in vitro culture techniques in MARDI as tools for plant propagation, Proc. National Plant Propagation Symposium, Kuala Lumpur (19-21 July, 1976)

Ong Hean Tatt (1977) Water stress action on the isoenzymes patterns of proteins and peroxidases of excised tomato cotyledons, Proc. 4th Malaysian Biochemical Society Conference, Kuala Lumpur

Ong Hean Tatt (1978) "In vitro" culture technology in agriculture in year 2000, in H. F. Chin, I. C. Enoch, W. Mohamad Othman (eds), Food and Agriculture Malaysia 2000.

Ong Hean Tatt (1978) Roles of hormones in the responses of excised tomato cotyledons to mannitol induced water stress, Biologia Planatarum 20(5), pp. 318 - 323.

Ong Hean Tatt (1978) Selective shift in the metabolic pathways of excised tomato cotyledons in response to mannitol induced water stress, Biologia Planatarum 20(5), pp. 324 - 329.

Ong Hean Tatt (1978) Gel electrophoresis patterns of proteins and peroxidases of excised tomato cotyledons subjected to mannitol induced water stress, Biologia Plantarum 20(5), pp. 330 - 334. (Plant Science Branch, MARDI)

Ong Hean Tatt (1980) Flowering of the tropical orchids, Proc. 3rd ASEAN Orchid Congress, UPM, Serdang.

Ong Hean Tatt (1980) Effects of actinomycin D, cycloheximide and kinetin on ribonuclease and beta-fructofuranosidase in water stressed tomato cotyledons, Biologia Plantarum 22(4), pp. 245 - 248.

Ong Hean Tagg (1980) Effects of mannitol induced water stress on the ribosomes of intact leaves of Azuki bean seedlings, Biologia Plantarum 22(4), pp. 249 - 254.

Yap Siaw Yang, Ong Hean Tatt (1989) Formulation of aquaculture development at an ox-bow lake in Malaysia: economic feasibility analysis, Aquaculture Research 20(4), pp. 427 - 439. (Sang-Dua Co. Ltd, Subang Jaya)

Yap Siaw Yang, Ong Hean Tatt (1990) The effects of agrochemicals on an aquatic ecosystem : A case study from the Krian River basin, Malaysia, The Environmentalist 10(3), pp. 189 - 202. (Institute for Advanced Studies, UM)

Phase II: Ong's Publications on Chinese Culture and Business Management (1988 -- )

Ong Hean Tatt (1988) The Amazing Scientic Basis of Feng Shui, Millbank Books, Ltd.

Ong Heat Tatt (1991) The Chinese Pakua: An Expose, Pelanduk Publications, Petaling Jaya.

Ong Hean Tatt (1993) Chinese animal symbolisms, Pelanduk Publications, Petaling Jaya.

Ong Hean Tatt (1994) Secrets of ancient Chinese art of motivation, Pelanduk Publications, Petaling Jaya.

Ong Heat Tatt (1997) Chinese Black Magic: An Expose, Millbank Books, Ltd.

Ong Hean Tatt, Yap Sin Tian, Takashi Kawatani (1997) Asian Winning Strategies for Modern and Global Business, Synergy Books, Kuala Lumpur.

Ong Hean Tatt (1997) Beyond Sun Tzu's Art of War: The Confucian "Way", S. Abdul Majeed & Co., Kuala Lumpur.

Ong Hean Tatt (1999) Chinese plant symbolisms : a guide to the symbolic value of plants in Chinese culture, Pelanduk Publications, Subang Jaya.

Ong Hean Tatt (2003) Sun Tzu: Seizing strategic business opportunities and advantages, Star Publications (M) Berhad, Petaling Jaya.

Ong Hean Tatt (2004) Hang Tuah's Strategy Mind: Strategies of Management Leadership & Business Success Secrets of the Malacca Sultanate, GUI Management Centre, Subang Jaya.

Ong Hean Tatt (2005) Haunting in Natural Landscape: Science and Feng Shui, GUI Management Centre, Subang Jaya.

Ong Hean Tatt (year published unknown) Confucius Ching Yang Feng Shui: For Site Selection & Building.

Ong Hean Tatt (year published unknown) Scientific And Statistical Evidence For Feng Shui.

Ong Hean Tatt (year published unknown) Landscape Feng Shui Secrets of Xue Xin Fu (雪心赋).

Ong Hean Tatt; Chan Seng Siang (year published unknown) Landscape Feng Shui of Han Lung Jing (撼龙经), Vinlin Press.

Ong Hean Tatt (2006) Scientific Mechanisms Of Chi And Sha: The Feng Shui Energies, GUI Management Centre, Subang Jaya.

Ong Hean Tatt (2007) Scientific Feng Shui for Bedroom, Love and Marriage, GUI Management Centre, Subang Jaya.

Ong Hean Tatt (2007) Scientific Statistical Proof Of Chinese Astrology, GUI Management Centre, Subang Jaya.

Ong Hean Tatt (2008) Global Strategies of Cheng Ho's Seven Voyages, GUI Management Centre, Subang Jaya.


john said…
Dear Wee Lee,

This email comes a bit offhand as it's late,but am interested to know if you pursued your research on Dr.Ong and his surprising shift from plant science to FS science. Have you his FS books and that he partnered with sifu Frances Leyau must speak volumes of his authentic Fs illumination.


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