Oratio Dominica: Malaica and Sinica
In 1680, Andreas Müller (b. 1630, d. 1694) published a small book containing a collection of the Lord's Prayers in 83 languages. The work was later revised and expanded by other authors in 1700, 1705, and 1713. The following discussion examines the Malay and Chinese texts as presented in the revised edition published in 1713. The Lords Prayer in above a hundred languages, versions, and characters, published in 1713. Oratio Dominica ΠΟΛΥΓΛΩΤΤΟΣ ΠΟΛΥΜΟΡΦΟΣ. Nimirum Plus Centum Linguis, Versionibus, aut Characteribus Reddita & Expressa. Editio Novissima. Speciminibus variis quam priores comitatior. The work is built upon the earlier publication of Müller although the title page of the book did not explicitly mention any editor or author. In the Malay text, the Lord's kingdom 國 was rendered as ra'jat, using an old spelling system devised by Van Ophuijsen. It is...