
Showing posts from October, 2024

J. G. Davidson's appointment (1875)

No. 336 Colonial Secretary's Office 1 , Singapore, 20 January 1875 I am directed to inform you that the Governor has been pleased to appoint you, subject to the confirmation by the Secretary of State 2 , to be Her Majesty's Resident to the Sultan of Salangor, and to communicate to you the following instructions for your guidance in the duties of that office. His Excellency desires that you will proceed at once to Klang, where you will establish yourself at first, making such arrangements for your personal accommodation as the nature of the case will admit of, and proceeding as soon as possible to organize a Resident Guard and Police of such force as you may think proper under the circumstances, applying to the Inspector General of Police for a few men from Singapore or Malacca in the first instance as a commencement. His Excellency desires that you will at once publish notices far and wide, not only in Salangor, Klang, Lang